Friday, October 10, 2014

The Style of The Sun Also Rises

I don’t really trust those people who look down at their lap when you’re out to lunch, or dinner. It’s not that I mind their looking at their phone, so much. But if you’re going to do it, have the decency to put the damn thing up on the table. Don’t be a sneak, like Robert Cohn.
            The guy was pretty spineless.
            He’d started at the office a few months ago, and I found out all about his story. He was a computer-programming prodigy at Princeton. His professor stole his ideas and sold them to Apple. It was all very tragic. But I always had a suspicion that Robert Cohn had never been the computer prodigy of Princeton; maybe he was obsessed with computers and cell phones because no one actually liked to talk to him in real life. Maybe he wasn’t really texting anyone right now. Maybe he was sending out Instagram posts that no one would ever read.
            “Do you want to order?”
            “Yeah, I’m ready,” he answered. “Say, do you know they’re predicting that thirty percent of people will have brain cancer within the next twenty years?” He picked up his enormous phone. “From the radiation.”

            “What the hell, Robert?” I asked him. “What the hell?”

No matter whether folks are fans or not, most everyone who reads his work agrees, Hemingway had style--a very distinct writing style. 
For your response post this week, begin by making some specific observations about Hemingway's writing style. (Remember, style is more about HOW a story is told than the content of that story). 
I'm not going to give you a number; I don't want to limit your creativity. But if you only make one or two, how will you hold your head high in the AP Lit blogosphere?
For the second part of the post, write your own micro-piece, altering your own style to match Papa Hemingway's as much as you can. The twist? Employ some version of his characters, but set your micro-tale in the present day. 
I took a micro-stab at this part, above. I won't share my style observations with you just yet. 

Two-Part Initial Post-due midnight 10/15
Replies this week are optional in honor of HoCo. 

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